Saturday, February 28, 2015

2/28/15: Basic Background Info and Getting Started

   The purpose of my project here is based off of a problem I have seen a great many times, and have experienced myself. This problem is completely failing at high level competitions because of nutritional deficiencies. As a swimmer, I have experienced and seen many times where my team mates and I prepare for an upcoming competition thoroughly and do everything right until the competition itself. We always seem to be running out of energy midway through the day or even by mid-morning. This problem can be solved by fueling your body with specific nutrients that will allow for sustained energy as well as the rebuilding of muscle after a long day of competition. I am looking to create a macronutrient meal plan calculated from specific data such as one's height, weight, and body mass index.
   Because I am just beginning this project and have done minimal research, I only have a general idea of nutrient needs for sustained energy. Through my research I have found out that you will need to lead a rather carbohydrate heavy diet the day before and throughout competition. After the competition, lipids and proteins will be required to rebuild lost muscle mass. Again, specific measurements have not been calculated, as I am currently trying to find out how.
   Just as a disclaimer, this blog will only contain nutritional information for those looking to compete in endurance based sports such as swimming, running, or cycling.


  1. This sounds like a really interesting and relevant idea! These personalized meal plans would be able to help a large range of athletes. Although I don't engage in endurance sports myself, many of my peers do, and this could help prepare them for their big competition days. When trying to meet your goals, I would suggest laying out a general plan as to when you will research what so you don't get off track. And a question: will you have some kind of calculator to measure how much of a certain kind of food type a specific person needs ( so it can be individualized)?
    Overall, great plan, and I am excited to see your end product!

  2. I like your idea and how you are going to present your information. I think this is an important topic that people should take notice to. I think it would be cool if you also did a meal plans for other periods of time, not just competitions. I like how to chose a topic that relates to you and you can give first hand evidence for, being that you are an endurance athlete yourself. I think you should look at existing meal plans to get an idea of how your plan should look like and what information it should present. How are you going to figure out the measurements for your meal plan? Everyone is different, so are you doing a very general plan?
    - Abhay

  3. I like the idea and am doing a blog along the lines of your topic except mine will be about overall nutrition. One question I have for you is will you put a calculator type application to factor in required macronutrients for height, weight, level of competition, etc.? I feel like if you were to this it could be very helpful to many people trying to load up for a strenuous endurance event. However, if you wanted to do something like a calculator you would probably have to look into programming and things like that. Just an option, good luck!

  4. This idea is a definitely great one and is very possible. I think you will have to do a lot of research ahead and you should try to tie your research with real people. Interviewing professional athletes about how they sustain their energy would really provide some substantial backing behind your evidence.
